Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Book World Just Got a Lot Less Interesting

George Whitman with daughter Sylvia Beach Whitman

If you didn't recognize it, the background photograph of SwF&F is a picture Becky took when she visited Shakespeare and Company in Paris.  Unfortunately, owner George Whitman died yesterday. 

Read his obiturary in the New York Times.


  1. Funny coincidence... never heard of Shakespeare and Company until today when I read about it and the owner in the memoir you gave me (the one you thought was by Jeanette Wells but is really by Jeannette Winterson). Then I came home and read your blog. Eerie.

  2. The universe has a lot of odd synchronicity. You know how Paula from book club drove a Mini Cooper last night?

    On the walk back to Books & Books, Mitchell was bidding a fond adieu to author Mark Derr... who was in a Mini.

    Then on the bike ride home, I almost got struck on Granada... by a Mini.
